- Email / Student E-Mail
The email address is assigned to you by the system using formats determined by our university, ensuring that each email address is unique.
Example for a Turkish citizen student:
First Name: Ahmet Demir Last Name: YURT Example Email Address Formats:
demir.yurt@std.yildiz.edu.tr ahmet.yurt@std.yildiz.edu.tr demir.yurt1@std.yildiz.edu.tr demir.yurt2@std.yildiz.edu.tr ......... Example for a foreign national student:
First Name: David De Last Name: Gea
Example Email Address Formats:
david.gea@std.yildiz.edu.tr david.gea1@std.yildiz.edu.tr Erasmus, special, and guest students are assigned email accounts with their student numbers. For example, a student with the student number E22011995 would have the email account e2201995@std.yildiz.edu.tr.
NOTE: Email addresses are automatically created by the system and are generally not changeable. However, in special circumstances (such as changes in personal identification or if name combinations have negative meanings), email addresses can be revised. Remember that these changes are typically made to maintain respect and communication. Apart from this, students do not have the authority to make changes to the formats determined by the system.
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